Monthly Archive: August 2015

Too Busy To Go Back To Work

To Do ListI was late posting my Blog this week for a very good reason – I was focused on my job search.

That shouldn’t sound as odd as it does, but I have to tell you, I have had quite an awakening these past several months.

I was one of those people who thought retirement – what would I possibly do with my time if I were to retire? I would go crazy. Well let me tell you, it’s a lot easier to fill your time than you think.

At first I was focused solely on my job search. I kept fine tuning my resume; so much so it should read like a Stradivarius violin sounds. I was reaching out to former teammates to learn about their transition to different organizations. I was meeting with a career coach and attending a career workshop. I was reading tip after tip on what not to do in an interview until I reached the point of overload.

Eventually non-job search activities began peppering my day. I helped one friend reorganize all the closets in her home. She was none too happy with the homework assignment I gave her after a long day but she did it and we were both pleased with the results. She recently shared that it might be time for some remedial assistance.

I helped another friend pare down her 4,000+ square foot home for a downsizing move, helped her pack, and then unpack.

I volunteer with two non-profit organizations and recently my neighbor and I decided to help our HOA board. We developed a proposal for a communications plan in support of a major project for our community and have been hard at work executing the approved plan the past two months with at least two more months to go.

In addition, I’ve been slowly chipping away at all the little projects that have been on my own to do list but never seemed to get around to addressing. And last but not least, I started this Blog.

But then reality sets in and I have to remind myself I am not retired and that my goal is to actually find another job. And that is when I get into a trance and spend hours on the computer researching companies, reviewing postings, and writing cover letters that will knock the reader’s socks off.

So forgive me for being late this week but it was for a very good reason. I was doing my job trying to find a job.

But at least I know when I am ready to officially retire, I will be as busy, if not busier, than I was when I was working full time and I will love every minute of it.