Life Lessons

Tis NOT the Season – Yet


OK – just to be clear I will state up front I love Christmas and the holiday season from Thanksgiving to New Year’s. But people, we haven’t even gone trick or treating yet and retail America is focused on Christmas.

I’ve received emails with tips on what makes a great photo holiday card. A furniture store I walked into yesterday had decorated trees on display. An independent hardware store has their holiday shelves stocked and I noticed all the white lights as I drove past a Pier 1 Imports store last night.

I don’t know about you but instead of putting me in the mood it made me anxious as I began thinking how far behind I must be. But wait – behind by whose standards? This is crazy – I have never not been ready for the holidays. Maybe some years I was more rushed than others as I approached the finish line, but I was always ready in the end.

I know the importance of Black Friday to retailers and its significance on their years’ revenues. But I haven’t even had my first midget Milky Way left over from Halloween yet – geez – give a girl a break!

While in the hardware store yesterday I overheard two employees talking about Thanksgiving and Christmas. One was saying Thanksgiving is over in many people’s minds. They’ve already planned the meal and what they need to do and have moved on to Christmas. I was so saddened by that comment. It’s October and they already consider November over?

Will no one take the time to enjoy the crisp fall air, the crackling of leaves under your feet, apple picking, apple cider, and how good a warm beverage feels between your hands?

Thanksgiving is not a holiday to be rushed through on the way to Christmas. It is a standalone event that deserves its due – a day that helps us all contemplate our blessings and the gifts of family, friends and health.

So if you agree, let’s enjoy some Halloween candy before we start planning anything else. Milky Way here I come.